Edwards Mosquito Abatement District

mosquito in crosshairs, Edwards Mosquito Abatement District, Donnelly, ID

Fogging Schedule

State and Federal Law dictates that mosquito spraying only take place when temperatures at sunset are above 50 degree F with winds less than 10 MPH. This is to help protect bees and other pollinators also this is when mosquitos are  the most active.  As of Memorial Day weekend district employees have been out inspecting and treating standing water and setting traps throughout the district to get local mosquito populations. Once environmental conditions are met and trap thresholds are reached, nightly fogging operations will take place throughout the district.

As for a schedule, here at EMAD we try and spray the entire district at least once a week and during peak mosquito season  but as stated above it’s complicated. Since we are located in a resort community we try and get our spraying done before the weekend, (typically we spray Monday through Thursday occasionally will go out on Sundays if needed) we do this because in the past, spraying on Fridays has been changeling with the increased cars and people on the road. As summer moves on and the weather stabilizes our schedule and routes become more predictable.

Thanks for your patience, any questions email is the best this time of year since we are in and out of the office.