Edwards Mosquito Abatement District

mosquito in crosshairs, Edwards Mosquito Abatement District, Donnelly, ID

What we do

Larviciding program:

  • Wetlands and suspected mosquito breeding sites are monitored from March through September to determine the need for applications of environmentally sensitive products (typically Bti/Bs) to control and/or eliminate the larval mosquito. By controlling mosquitoes in their larval stage, thus the need for adult mosquito spraying is reduced. To view information on the products used for this program, please check our Pesticide Information in the Resources page.

Adulticiding Program:

  • When adult mosquito populations reach intolerable levels, truck mounted sprayers are used to reduce the adult mosquito levels in residential and recreational areas. EMAD has worked diligently over the past several years to achieve the goal of reducing the dependency on adulticiding by increasing the emphasis on larviciding, public education, source reduction and ditch maintenance. Information on the products used for this program can be found on our Resources page under Pesticide Information. Information on the Opt Out (to have a property excluded from spraying) can be found on our Contact Us page. For additional information please visit the Resources page.

Mosquito Monitoring:

  • New Jersey Light traps baited with CO2 in the form of compressed gas
    • New Jersey light traps are used for monitoring local mosquito populations and are used to justify fogging applications
      • CO2 is used as "bait" to lure more mosquitoes for the purpose of disease testing
  • Larval collection 
  • Landing rates


  • Reducing or removing larval habitat by removing or disposing of anything that can hold water. Mosquito larvae are opportunistic and will create habitat in any container that holds water for more than a week. Empty and clean birdbaths and kiddie pools each week, cover or store inside anything that may capture and hold water, and dispose of or recycle any containers that are no longer needed. 

Public Participation: 

  • Public participation is a crucial aspect of our monitoring program. No one knows the areas around their homes or neighborhoods as well as the residents that reside there. By filling out a service request under the Contact Us tab to inform us of persistent standing water,tree wells, natural/artificial containers or just concerns you may have that will allow for the quickest response.
  • Ditch maintenance seems to be a problem is some neighborhoods, mosquitoes need still, stagnant water to complete their metamorphosis from egg to adult. Your maintenance on ditches, culverts and man-made ponds to improve water quality and increase water flow, greatly reduces the potential for mosquito breeding.

Vector Borne Disease Monitoring:

  • RAMP Test are now performed in our new lab and results are same day.

  • PCR Test 

  1. Positive test are confirmed with the Department of Health and Welfare.